Job Search

Job search in Dubai can be a challenge in itself. The general advice about job search in Dubai is that you have to stay in Dubai while looking for work. The reason is that, when you are in Denmark and send your applications you run the risk that the recipient did not think about calling you for an interview and your application will be discarded, since you are staying in Denmark. It is also because the procedure of recruitment is very different in Dubai than in Denmark. One example is that it is natural that an employer will not read an application, so it is best to have your contacts  in Dubai before moving down there, a bit like “method you must know someone who knows someone “.It is an important method if you want to get into a company that offers a good salary.

You have another option that you can deliver your applications with a recruitment agency, which thus takes the job that best suits you and your skills. With this method, you might not get answers to the application.

To work in Dubai there are many things you need to know. Dubai has a lot of jobs available you can either search online for potential job position or you can go to your nearest Job recruiting agency and ask if they can help you out finding a job in Dubai, most people choose a recruitment agency because the agencies already have lots of contacts in Dubai.

Of course one very important requirements that you have to get ready is your resume make it attractive as much as possible and include all your working experience as well as your educational degree because this will be advantage in searching jobs in Dubai as they look very carefully at your background and working experience.

When you have found a list of recruitment agencies you can then deliver your resume. Dubai Job Market can be very competitive make sure you have lots of contacts, choose 5 recruitment agencies and don’t stop there look for more, you can do that online and offline, if you are really serious in finding a job in Dubai.

When you have found the right job for you, you have to look at the employment contract to understand what you are getting yourself into. Employment contract is a very important factor when you are seeking for a job in Dubai, as this is the guidelines for you regarding payment or financial calculation. Usually an employment contracts apply 1 year or 2 years some only 6 months this you have to be aware of, and keep in mind that the knowledge of the contract is the number one target for people who are seeking a longer stay in Dubai.

It is also essential to know if the company provides housing accommodations and how your salary can affect that, some companies offer staff house for their foreign employees or allowance for the rented room or house. This is also very important that you should be aware of before signing a contract and if you can find a place to stay in Dubai before you find a job that will be a better idea to do so.

So here are the 5 easy way to get a job in Dubai

1. Resume – keep your resume up to date and always put everything down in your resume from educational background, previous working experience, hobby and interest, skills and so on. The more your contents in your resume the better.

2. Attitude – Keep a positive attitude, be open and ask questions as much as you can, you will seem more interested if you ask questions about the position.

3. The company – Research the company you arte applying for, its origin and when it was established and so on.

4. Interview with a smile – whether you are on offline or online interview with your potential employer always have a smile in your face, be systematic sincere and skillful. The most important thing is to be yourself and feel comfortable in a job interview.

5. Be alive and calm – take the initiative yourself to promote yourself, don’t wait for the questions to come, tell them about yourself your hobbies and interest as well as your backgrounds in education and work experience. But do this in a polite way.

Some of the in demand work positions in Dubai are

• Call center agents
• Hotel Staff
• Restaurant Staff
• Teachers
• Nurses
• Construction workers
• IT developer or web developer
• Web Designer
• Tourist Guides
• Technical support engineers
• System Analyst
• System Administration
• Hardware and Software programmer

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